STL Serendipity Sundays Seminars


You Are Invited!

Join us each week for STL Serendipity Sunday Seminars: a transformative experience

You are personally invited you to this week’s STL Serendipity Sunday Seminar entitled "Reframe Your World: Discover The Power of Reframing."

Are you ready to transform the way you perceive and shape your reality through the power of words?

We invite you to join us for a life-changing seminar, “Reframe Your World: The Biblical Secret to Transforming Your Life Through Language.” This empowering session will reveal how the words we speak can frame our world, as scripture teaches, and how you can harness this power to create a more positive and fulfilling existence.

What You’ll Learn:

  1. The Divine Framing Principle: Explore the biblical concept that "the worlds were framed by the word of God" (Hebrews 11:3) and understand how your words can shape your reality in the same way.
  2. The Power of Language: Discover how shifting your language and perspective can transform your life, enabling you to create the reality you desire.
  3. Practical Application: Receive hands-on guidance to start reframing your world immediately, with practical techniques that align with both spiritual and psychological principles.

Not Just Another Seminar

You might be thinking, "I've heard about positive thinking and affirmations before," or "This is just another talk about mindset." But this is different. “Reframe Your World” is not about vague ideas or overused concepts. It’s about delving into a powerful scriptural truth that has been right in front of us all along. This seminar will provide you with actionable steps and fresh insights that go beyond the surface, empowering you to truly transform your life.

Why Attend?

This seminar isn’t just another workshop—it’s an experience designed to empower you with biblical and practical tools to change your life. Whether you’re seeking breakthroughs in your career, relationships, health, or personal growth, this seminar will equip you with the strategies you need to reframe your world and manifest the life you’ve always envisioned.

Benefits of Attending:

  • Transform Your Mindset: Learn how to shift your language and perspective to create a more positive and empowered way of thinking.
  • Strengthen Your Spiritual Connection: Gain a deeper understanding of biblical principles and how they can be applied to your everyday life for greater spiritual growth.
  • Practical Tools for Immediate Impact: Walk away with actionable strategies and techniques that you can start using right away to see tangible changes in your life.


  Date: Sunday, September 8, 2024
  Time: Doors open and the experience starts at 12:30. Seminar commences at 1 p.m.
  Location: Phyllis Wheatley Heritage Center, 2711 Locust St., St. Louis, MO. 63103

We look forward to seeing you there and exploring the amazing possibilities that await you.

Warm regards,

The Mission:

The St. Louis New Thought Center is dedicated to empowering individuals to master their lives through the alignment of the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical aspects of self. Our mission is to provide a supportive community where members can explore new thought principles, positive psychology, and spiritual teachings to create a life of fulfillment and excellence. We believe in the inherent potential within every person to achieve greatness through divine alignment and conscious living.

About Gregory "Ausar" Stanton

We are honored to have Gregory "Ausar" Stanton, a renowned Transformational Thought Leader, as our guiding light. Ausar is a seasoned Life Strategist, pastor, and Master Force Coach, recognized as the 2023 Coach of the Year. With his profound insights and the creation of the Divine Alignment Philosophy, Ausar has been instrumental in helping countless individuals break free from limiting belief systems and realize their highest potential. His teachings emphasize holistic integration and the importance of aligning with the Divine Mind to achieve true balance and spiritual growth.
