• Embracing Joy in the Divine Connection
    Title: Embracing Joy in the Divine Connection Morning Reflection: Good morning, beloved! Today, let us reflect on the difference between finding joy in our connection with Source, versus seeking fulfillment in material Read more
  • Wishes Do Come True: Aligning Our Desires with Our True Selves
    As a life coach, I continuously see a recurring trend: individuals often struggle to make wishes that truly represent what they deeply desire. This phenomenon is both fascinating and concerning Read more
  • Embracing Your Wish Fufilled
    Title: Embracing Your Wish Fulfilled Morning Reflection: Good morning, divine souls. Today, let us explore the concept of  "Wishes Fulfilled." Imagine for a moment that every desire of your heart is already Read more
    Uncovering Learned Helplessness: The Path to African American Liberation through Understanding the Mind and Power of Belief In the heart of every circus, there stands a majestic elephant tethered by a Read more
  • Attitude: The Key to Unlocking Success
    Morning Reflection: Good Morning, Divine Souls! Today, let's delve into the transformative power of our attitude. Earl Nightingale, a renowned motivational speaker, once said, "Our attitude towards life determines life's attitude towards Read more
  • Consulting The Divine Architect: In All Your Ways Acknowledge IT.
    Morning Reflection Good Day Diviner  As we begin this day, let us reflect on the importance of seeking guidance from the ultimate source of wisdom and knowledge—the Universal Intelligence, the Source. Often Read more
  • Shifting Your State of Mind to Transform Your Reality
    Reflection: Shifting Your State of Mind to Transform Your Reality Morning Reflection: Good morning, Divine Minds. Today, let's delve into the transformative power of our consciousness. There is one Supreme Mind, the Read more
  • A Winning Attitude Is Everything
    The Power of a Winning Attitude: Foundation for Success In life, having a winning attitude is the foundation for achieving success. The scripture in Jeremiah 29:11 serves as a powerful reminder Read more
    "Unleashing Divine Power Within Us" Morning Reflection: Good Morning, Beloved! Today, let’s delve into the profound truth encapsulated in the phrase: “according to His power that is at work within us.” This morning, Read more
  • Are you Guilty of Pushing Your BS onto Others?
    Are You Guilty of Pushing Your BS onto Others? Understanding Your B.S. (Belief System) Our Belief System, or B.S., functions as a potent paradigm, molding our perceptions, behaviors, and interactions with Read more
  • There Is Only One Mind. Pt.1
    The Danger of Accepting the Duality of Mind: Conscious and Subconscious Understanding the intricacies of the mind has always been a quest for many well-intended individuals. However, when it comes to Read more
  • From Reflection to Expression: Embracing Your True Identity as a Manifestation of Source"
    In the teachings of Divine Science, man is considered an expression of Source and not a mere reflection. By recognizing our divine essence, we can access the qualities of the divine within ourselves and bring about positive change in the world. For African Americans, embracing their divine essence can help overcome the limiting thoughts and verbal scripts that come with historical oppression and marginalization. By embodying the qualities of the divine, individuals can become powerful agents on earth. It is important to recognize the divine within ourselves and avoid defining it in our own image to overcome limitations and live masterfully. Read more
  • St. Louis New Thought Center: A Safe and Supportive Space for African Americans on Their Spiritual Journey
    The St. Louis New Thought Center provides a safe and supportive space for African Americans who may have faced exclusion or marginalization in traditional religious institutions. Led by Gregory "Ausar" Stanton, a seasoned New Thought teacher and life coach, the center offers weekly seminars that empower individuals to improve their well-being and achieve personal goals through practical spirituality. With a focus on inclusivity and the integration of different spiritual traditions, the center provides a valuable space for spiritual exploration and growth for those seeking a non-dogmatic approach to spirituality. Read more
  • Revolutionizing Your Spiritual Practice: Rethinking the Meaning of "In Jesus Name"
    Affirmative prayer is a powerful tool for enhancing your spiritual practice and transforming the lives of those around you. By focusing on affirming positive outcomes and aligning with divine intelligence, you can create the life you desire. Jesus emphasized the authority of our words when praying, and using authoritative affirmative prayer can help people tap into the limitless potential of the universe. Incorporating affirmative prayer into your treatment work can help you discover new meaning and purpose in your life and the lives of others Read more
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