Living "As If" Practice

Morning Reflection: "Living in the Reality of Your Desires"

Good morning, beloved.

As we greet the dawn of a new day, let us explore a powerful practice that can transform our lives from the inside out—Living 'As If.' This concept invites us to step into the reality of our desires, not as distant hopes, but as present truths that are already unfolding in our lives.

Living 'As If' means embodying the thoughts, feelings, and actions of the person you desire to become, or the life you wish to experience, as though it is already yours. This is not a practice of pretending, but rather a conscious alignment with the truth that what we focus on expands, and what we embody becomes our reality.

Imagine for a moment the life you dream of—the peace, the success, the love, the abundance. Now, ask yourself: How would I think, feel, and act if that were my reality right now? Living 'As If' challenges us to step beyond our current circumstances and to dwell in the energy of our desired outcomes. It requires us to move from a mindset of scarcity to one of abundance, from doubt to certainty, and from fear to faith.

When we live 'As If,' we activate the creative power within us, aligning our inner world with the divine flow of possibilities. We begin to attract the people, opportunities, and resources that resonate with the reality we are embodying. This practice empowers us to live in harmony with the universal law of attraction, which responds to the vibrations we emit through our thoughts, emotions, and actions.

However, living 'As If' also requires patience and trust. We must trust that the seeds we plant today will bear fruit in their perfect time. We must be patient with ourselves as we shift our consciousness and allow our outer reality to catch up with the inner changes we are making. And we must remain steadfast in our faith, knowing that the universe is always working behind the scenes to bring our desires into manifestation.

Today, I encourage you to practice living 'As If.' Start by choosing one aspect of your life that you wish to transform. Then, throughout the day, embody the feelings, thoughts, and actions of someone who is already living that reality. Watch as your energy shifts and new possibilities begin to emerge. Remember, you have the power to create your life from the inside out.

Supporting Scripture:

Mark 11:24 (NIV) "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."

This scripture reminds us of the power of faith and belief. When we pray and ask for something, we are called to believe that it is already ours. This is the essence of living 'As If'—holding the conviction that what we desire is already manifesting, even before we see it with our physical eyes.


I live each day as if my desires are already fulfilled, trusting that the universe is bringing them into reality.

Affirmative Prayer:

In this sacred moment, I recognize and affirm the divine presence that flows through me and all of creation. I know that I am one with the infinite source of all that is good, true, and beautiful. As I connect with this divine presence, I am reminded of the creative power that lies within me—the power to shape my reality through my thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

Today, I choose to live 'As If.' I consciously align my thoughts with the highest vision I hold for my life. I embody the feelings of joy, peace, abundance, and love as if they are already mine. I trust in the divine process that is unfolding in my life, knowing that every desire of my heart is being fulfilled in perfect timing and in the perfect way.

I release any doubt or fear that may arise, affirming that they have no power over me. Instead, I choose faith, knowing that the universe is always conspiring in my favor. I embrace the opportunities, people, and circumstances that come into my life, recognizing them as stepping stones toward the manifestation of my desires.

As I live 'As If,' I am filled with gratitude for the blessings that are already flowing into my experience. I celebrate the abundance, love, and success that are manifesting in my life, knowing that I am a powerful co-creator with the Divine.

I release this prayer into the law of mind, knowing that it is already done. I affirm that as I speak these words, they are taking root in the fertile soil of the universe, and the fruits of my desires are already beginning to bloom. And so it is.

Affirming Prayer Requests:

  1. For the Ferguson MO Police Officer in a Comatose State:

    • I affirm that the divine healing presence is with the Ferguson officer, surrounding them with love, light, and the power of restoration. I know that the perfect outcome is unfolding, guided by divine wisdom, and that all who care for them are instruments of divine healing.
  2. In Celebration of a Couple’s 35 Years of Marriage:

    • I celebrate the love, commitment, and unity of this couple as they mark 35 years of marriage. I affirm that their bond continues to grow stronger, filled with joy, understanding, and divine blessings for many more years to come.
  3. For an Individual Dealing with Cognitive Dissonance and Their Family:

    • I affirm clarity, peace, and understanding for the individual navigating the challenges of cognitive dissonance. I know that the divine wisdom within them is guiding them to their highest truth. I hold their family in light, affirming that love, compassion, and mutual respect prevail as they journey through this transformation together. And so it is.
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