"Unveiling the IN-VISIBLE: Living in Now Faith"

Morning Reflection Title: "Unveiling the IN-VISIBLE: Living in Now Faith"

Morning Reflection:

Good morning, beloved. 

Today, we delve into the idea of living in the Kingdom of the unseen, the IN-VISIBLE, which gives way to evidence immediately known as now faith. This reflection invites us to understand that our faith is the bridge between the unseen and the seen, the invisible and the visible. It is through this faith that we manifest our desires and experience the fullness of life.

The concept of the IN-VISIBLE Kingdom is powerful. It is the realm where our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions reside before they take form in the physical world. This unseen realm is where the magic happens, where our faith activates the process of creation. Hebrews 11:1 beautifully encapsulates this idea: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

Living in this Kingdom means we acknowledge the presence and power of the unseen. It requires us to trust in what we cannot yet see with our physical eyes but can feel and know in our hearts. This trust, this now faith, is immediate and active. It is not about waiting passively but about confidently knowing that what we desire is already on its way to us.

Faith transforms the invisible into the visible. It is the evidence of things not seen, the assurance that our prayers are answered even before we witness their physical manifestation. When we live from this place of now faith, we align ourselves with the creative power of the Universe. We become co-creators with the Divine, bringing forth our desires into the present moment.

Imagine your life as a tapestry, where each thread represents a thought, a belief, or an intention. The unseen threads, woven together by faith, form the beautiful picture of your reality. By focusing on the IN-VISIBLE and nurturing it with positive thoughts and unwavering belief, we shape our lives in magnificent ways.

Today, let us embrace the Kingdom of the unseen and live in now faith. Let us trust that our desires are being fulfilled in divine timing and order. As we hold this faith, we will see the evidence of our dreams manifesting in our lives.

Supporting Scripture:

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." - Hebrews 11:1

This scripture reminds us that faith is the very foundation of our hopes and the proof of unseen realities. It encourages us to trust in the power of our faith to bring forth our desires.


I live in now faith, knowing that my desires are manifesting into reality.

Affirmative Prayer:

In this sacred moment, I recognize the presence of the Divine Mind within me. I am one with the infinite intelligence, love, and power that permeates the universe. I know that the Kingdom of the unseen, the IN-VISIBLE, is where my faith resides and where my desires are born.

I turn inward and connect with the divine essence within me. I acknowledge that my faith is the substance of my hopes and the evidence of things not seen. I trust in the power of now faith to bring forth my desires into the present moment.

I affirm that my thoughts, beliefs, and intentions are aligned with the highest good. I see my desires as already fulfilled, and I feel the joy, gratitude, and fulfillment of their manifestation. I release any doubt or fear, knowing that the unseen realm is working in my favor.

I am a powerful co-creator with the Divine. My faith activates the process of creation, transforming the invisible into the visible. I trust that everything I need is being provided in perfect timing and order.

I am grateful for the unseen forces at work in my life. I celebrate the unfolding of my dreams and the manifestation of my highest good. With a heart full of gratitude and faith, I release this prayer into the Law, knowing it is already done. And so it is.

Prayer Requests:

  1. For the woman seeking relief from living daily with the assistance of pain pills:
    I affirm that you are surrounded by divine healing light. A miracle of relief and restoration is unfolding within you now. Your body is free from pain, and you experience complete and vibrant health. You are whole, healed, and perfectly aligned with the divine flow of life. And so it is.

  2. For the creative miracle for the toddler experiencing mild autism:
    I affirm that this precious child is embraced by the infinite love and wisdom of the Divine. A creative miracle is manifesting, bringing harmony and balance to their mind and body. They are thriving, expressing their highest potential with joy and ease. The divine intelligence within them shines brightly. And so it is.

Let us move forward today, living in the Kingdom of the unseen, embracing the power of now faith, and witnessing the miracles that unfold in our lives.

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