Embracing The In-Visible

Morning Reflection: Living Beyond the Three Dimensions

Good Morning, Divine Beings,

Today, we reflect on the profound difference between living according to the three-dimensional time of the carnal mind and the fourth-dimensional Christ consciousness. The carnal mind, rooted in sensory-based living, is tied to the linear progression of past, present, and future. This perspective often leads us to live reactively, based on visible circumstances and sensory input.

However, there is a higher way of living that transcends these limitations. The fourth-dimensional consciousness, or Christ consciousness, invites us to live in the eternal now, beyond the constraints of linear time. This divine awareness allows us to tap into the in-visible realm, where all possibilities exist simultaneously.

Living in the carnal mind means being constantly influenced by external events and sensory perceptions. It is a reactive way of life that often leads to anxiety, stress, and disconnection from our true selves. The Apostle Paul describes this as enmity against God, as it is a mindset that limits our divine potential and keeps us grounded in the physical realm.

In contrast, Christ consciousness empowers us to see beyond the visible and embrace the in-visible. The purposeful spelling of "in-visible" affirms that this realm is accessed through our inward vision. It is a state of being where we align with the Divine Mind, recognizing that all things are possible in the eternal now. This shift in awareness allows us to live proactively, guided by divine intuition and higher wisdom. We become co-creators with the Divine, shaping our reality from a place of spiritual understanding and inner peace.

The process of seeking the kingdom of God is about embracing this in-visible realm. It involves turning inward to connect with the divine presence that is always with us, guiding us, and providing for us. When we seek the kingdom within, we transcend the limitations of the carnal mind and align ourselves with the higher consciousness of the Christ.

As we cultivate this fourth-dimensional consciousness, we learn to trust in the unseen and the eternal presence of the Divine. We understand that our true nature is not confined by time or space, but is infinite and eternal. This awareness transforms our lives, enabling us to navigate the world with grace, purpose, and divine alignment.

Today, let us commit to moving beyond the limitations of the carnal mind. Let us embrace the eternal now, living from a place of divine consciousness where all things are possible. As we do, we will experience a deeper connection with the Divine and a more fulfilling, harmonious life.

Supporting Scripture: Romans 8:6 (NIV) - "The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace."

This scripture highlights the contrast between living according to the carnal mind and the Spirit. By choosing to live from a place of spiritual awareness, we invite life and peace into our existence, transcending the limitations of the physical realm.

Affirmation: "I align with the Christ consciousness, living in the eternal now where all things are possible."

Science of Mind Affirmative Prayer

In this sacred moment, I align my consciousness with the Divine Mind, recognizing the eternal now in which I live, move, and have my being. I affirm that I am not confined by the limitations of the carnal mind or linear time, but I am fully present in the infinite possibilities of the fourth-dimensional Christ consciousness.

I release any attachment to past regrets, present worries, and future anxieties. Instead, I embrace the in-visible realm of divine potential, where all things are already accomplished. I trust in the guidance of the Divine, knowing that I am always supported, loved, and provided for in this eternal now.

As I live from this higher awareness, I experience peace, clarity, and purpose. I am guided by divine intuition, moving through life with grace and confidence. I know that all things are possible as I align my thoughts, words, and actions with the Divine Mind.

I am grateful for the awareness of this divine consciousness, and I commit to living each moment from this place of spiritual understanding. I am a co-creator with the Divine, manifesting a life of abundance, joy, and fulfillment.

And so it is. Amen.

Prayer Requests

  1. For a grandson and granddaughter preparing to start college this fall:

    In this moment of divine connection, I affirm the presence of guidance and clarity for [grandson's name] and [granddaughter's name] as they prepare to start college. I know that the Divine Mind is revealing to them the perfect career paths that align with their highest potential and purpose. They are supported in every way, staying on track with their studies and making choices that lead to success and fulfillment. And so it is.

  2. For St. Louis New Thought Center and Oasis Everywhere Virtual Ministry:

    I affirm that the St. Louis New Thought Center and Oasis Everywhere Virtual Ministry continue to attract individuals who resonate with the teachings offered. The ministries are thriving, reaching more people who are eager to embrace the principles and practices of the fourth dimension. I see [your name] bringing these ministries to full fruition, guided by divine wisdom and utilizing principles of the eternal now. The impact is profound, and the growth is continuous. And so it is.

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