Now means Now!

Morning Reflection: The Kingdom of Now

Good Morning, Divine Beings,

Today, we delve into the profound concept of "The Kingdom of Now." In our spiritual journey, we often hear the phrase "all things will be added unto you." But what if we shift our perspective to understand that "all things are added to you now"? This "now" is not confined by the linear time of past and future; it is a kingdom concept of time, an eternal present moment where all possibilities exist.

In this kingdom, there is no waiting, no delay, and no need to strive. Everything you desire, every blessing, every opportunity, every piece of wisdom, is already present in the now. Our task is not to seek or chase after these things but to become aware of their presence in our lives at this moment. The kingdom of now is a state of consciousness where we align with the Divine Mind and recognize that we are always supported, guided, and provided for.

Think about it: When we worry about the future or regret the past, we are not fully present in the now. Worry and regret are illusions that distract us from the truth that everything we need is already here. The Divine Mind operates outside of our human constructs of time. In this divine awareness, there is only now, an eternal present where all things are possible and available to us.

So, how do we access this kingdom of now? It begins with mindfulness, with bringing our awareness to the present moment. It involves gratitude, acknowledging the abundance and blessings that surround us right now. It requires faith, trusting that the Divine Mind has orchestrated everything for our highest good. And it calls for us to listen to our intuition, the voice of the Divine within, guiding us moment by moment.

As we move through this day, let us practice being fully present. Let us release the worries of tomorrow and the regrets of yesterday, and embrace the richness of the now. Remember, in this eternal present, all things are added unto you.

Supporting Scripture: Matthew 6:33 (NIV) - "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

In this scripture, we are reminded to focus on the kingdom of God, which is a state of divine consciousness. When we seek this divine alignment, we realize that everything we need is already provided in the now. This seeking is not about striving but about awakening to the truth that we are always in the presence of divine abundance.

Affirmation: "I am fully present in the kingdom of now, where all things are added unto me."

Affirmative Prayer

In the sacredness of this moment, I recognize and affirm the presence of the Divine Mind within and all around me. I acknowledge that this Divine Presence is the source of all creation, the giver of all good, and the eternal now in which I live, move, and have my being.

I know that as I align my consciousness with the Divine Mind, I enter the kingdom of now, where all things are possible and available to me. In this sacred now, there is no lack, no limitation, and no need to wait. All that I desire, all that I need, is already provided in this eternal present.

I release any thoughts of past regrets or future worries, for they have no power over me. I center my awareness in the now, embracing the abundance, peace, and joy that are mine in this moment. I trust in the divine orchestration of my life, knowing that every step I take is guided by infinite wisdom and love.

In this kingdom of now, I am grateful for the blessings that surround me. I am open to receiving and recognizing the opportunities, love, and support that are present in my life. I affirm that my needs are met, my path is clear, and my heart is filled with gratitude.

As I go through this day, I remain anchored in the now, listening to the intuitive whispers of the Divine Mind within me. I move forward with confidence, faith, and a deep sense of peace, knowing that all things are added unto me in this eternal present.

And so it is. Amen.

Prayer Requests

  1. For an individual dealing with issues associated with a recent stroke:

    In this moment of sacred connection, I affirm the presence of divine healing for [individual's name]. I know that the infinite wisdom of the Divine Mind is at work in every cell, tissue, and organ of their body. I see [individual's name] surrounded by a healing light, restoring them to perfect health and wholeness. Strength, vitality, and peace flow through them now, and they are supported by the loving presence of the Divine. I affirm their complete recovery and return to vibrant health. And so it is.

  2. For individuals dealing with excessive heat and lacking air conditioning:

    In the stillness of this prayer, I hold in my heart all those affected by excessive heat and without air conditioning. I affirm that they are surrounded by the cooling, comforting presence of the Divine. Solutions and resources are being provided for their relief and safety. I see them finding ways to stay cool and hydrated, supported by a community of care and compassion. May they experience ease, comfort, and protection in this challenging time. And so it is.

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