Hocus Pocus Let Me Maintain My Focus

Title: Unshakable Focus: Guarding Your Emotions from External Hijacking

Morning Reflection:

Good morning, beloved.

 Today, we reflect on the importance of maintaining control over our emotions and focus, especially in a world filled with external influences that can easily distract and disorient us. We live in a time where political campaigns, media, and various circumstances often vie for our attention, attempting to sway our emotions and derail our inner peace. It's essential to recognize that while we cannot control these external factors, we have the power to choose how we respond to them.

Our emotions are powerful indicators of our inner state, and when we allow external circumstances to hijack our feelings, we give away our power. Political campaigns, for instance, are designed to provoke strong reactions, often playing on fears and hopes. Similarly, media outlets frequently sensationalize news to capture our attention, creating a cycle of emotional highs and lows. In the midst of this, our focus can shift from our personal growth and divine purpose to the chaos around us.

To remain grounded, we must cultivate an awareness of our emotional responses and practice discernment in what we allow to influence us. This means being mindful of the information we consume and the conversations we engage in. It requires setting boundaries to protect our mental and emotional well-being, ensuring that our focus remains aligned with our highest values and divine purpose.

One powerful way to maintain this focus is through daily spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, and reflection. These practices help us to center ourselves, connect with the Divine Mind, and reaffirm our intentions. By doing so, we create a shield of peace around us that external circumstances cannot easily penetrate.

As we navigate our day, let us remember that our emotions and focus are sacred. We have the divine authority to choose how we respond to the world around us. By guarding our hearts and minds, we ensure that our actions are driven by love, wisdom, and purpose, rather than the fleeting influences of the external world.

Supporting Scripture:

Philippians 4:7 (NIV) - "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

This scripture reminds us that the peace of God acts as a guard over our hearts and minds. When we anchor ourselves in divine peace, we are protected from the turmoil of the external world. It is this transcendent peace that allows us to maintain our focus and emotional equilibrium, despite the distractions and provocations around us.


I am anchored in divine peace, and I choose to respond to the world with love and wisdom.

Science of Mind Affirmative Prayer:

In this sacred moment, I recognize the presence of the Divine Mind within me and all around me. I affirm that this divine presence is my source of peace, wisdom, and strength. I know that I am a unique expression of the Divine, and as such, I have the power to choose my responses to the world around me.

Today, I declare that I am in control of my emotions and focus. I am not swayed by external circumstances, political campaigns, or media influences. Instead, I remain grounded in the peace of God, which transcends all understanding. This divine peace guards my heart and mind, allowing me to navigate my day with clarity and purpose.

I set clear boundaries to protect my mental and emotional well-being. I am discerning in the information I consume and the conversations I engage in. I choose to fill my mind with thoughts that uplift and inspire me, aligning myself with my highest values and divine purpose.

I am grateful for the spiritual practices that keep me centered and connected to the Divine. Through prayer, meditation, and reflection, I anchor myself in divine peace, creating a shield that external influences cannot penetrate. I affirm that my actions are driven by love, wisdom, and purpose, and I trust that the Divine Mind guides me in every moment.

With a heart full of gratitude, I release this prayer into the Law, knowing that it is already done. And so it is. Amen.

Intercessory Science of Mind Affirmation:

I affirm and declare a total and expeditious turnaround for those experiencing strong contrast that is not aligning with their confession of faith. I know that the Divine Mind is working in their lives, bringing forth perfect solutions and aligning circumstances with their highest good. I see them surrounded by divine love, wisdom, and peace, experiencing a swift resolution and a renewed sense of faith and alignment. And so it is. Amen.

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