How To Find Good In Everyone!

Morning Reflection: "Seeing Through Rose-Colored Glasses: Finding the Good in Everyone"

Good Morning, Seekers of Peace!

Today, let’s embrace the transformative power of choosing to see the best in others, especially those with whom we have discord or who exhibit negativity. This practice, often referred to as looking through rose-colored glasses, allows us to focus on the positive aspects of individuals and transform our interactions and relationships.

In our daily lives, we often encounter people whose behavior or attitudes may cause us discomfort or even anger. These negative encounters can cloud our perception, making it difficult to see the inherent goodness within each person. However, by consciously choosing to view others through a lens of positivity and understanding, we can shift our perspective and experience more harmonious relationships.

Consider the story of the rose-colored glasses. When we put on these glasses, the world appears tinted with a warm, rosy hue, softening the harsh edges and highlighting the beauty around us. Similarly, when we choose to focus on the positive qualities in others, we are better able to see and appreciate their inherent worth. This shift in perception not only enhances our interactions but also fosters a sense of compassion and empathy within us.

Think about a person with whom you’ve had a conflict or negative experience. Take a moment to reflect on their positive attributes. Perhaps they are kind to others, diligent in their work, or have a good sense of humor. By acknowledging these positive traits, you begin to change the narrative in your mind, transforming resentment into appreciation.

This practice is not about ignoring negative behavior or condoning harmful actions. Rather, it is about choosing to see beyond the surface and recognizing the deeper truth that everyone has inherent value and goodness. When we focus on the positive aspects of others, we create a ripple effect of positivity that can transform our interactions and ultimately, our world.

Supporting Scripture:

Philippians 4:8 (NIV): "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

This scripture beautifully encapsulates today’s reflection. It encourages us to focus on the virtues and positive qualities in others, aligning our thoughts with what is excellent and praiseworthy. By doing so, we cultivate a mindset that seeks and celebrates the good in everyone, fostering harmony and understanding.


"I choose to see the good in everyone, allowing love and understanding to guide my interactions."

Affirmative Prayer:

Today, I recognize the divine presence within every individual I encounter. I affirm that each person is a unique expression of the Divine, filled with inherent goodness and potential.

I choose to see through rose-colored glasses, focusing on the positive qualities and attributes in others. I understand that by doing so, I am aligning my perception with the truth of their divine nature. I release any judgments or preconceived notions that may cloud my vision, and I open my heart to the beauty and goodness that resides within each person.

As I move through this day, I am guided by love and compassion. I approach every interaction with an open mind and a willing heart, ready to see the best in others. I know that this perspective not only transforms my relationships but also enriches my own experience of life.

I affirm that I am a vessel of peace and understanding. My words and actions reflect my commitment to seeing the good in everyone. I am patient, kind, and empathetic, recognizing that every person I meet is on their own unique journey.

I give thanks for the opportunity to practice this higher vision, knowing that it brings me closer to the truth of our shared divine essence. I am grateful for the positive impact this perspective has on my life and the lives of those around me. And so it is.

Special Prayer of Intercession:

Intercessory Affirmation for an Individual having difficulty Releasing Unforgiveness

I recognize the divine strength and love within Serita  and others who choose to  embark on the journey to release unforgiveness. I affirm that they are supported by the infinite wisdom of the Universe, which empowers them to let go of any negative statements made by their mother regarding their potential for greatness.

I declare that they are free from the burden of unforgiveness. They embrace their true potential, knowing that they are a magnificent expression of the Divine. They are filled with love, strength, and courage, allowing them to move forward with confidence and joy.

As Serita releases these past hurts, they open themselves to a future filled with limitless possibilities and divine blessings. They are surrounded by love and support, which nurtures their growth and helps them realize their greatness. And so it is.

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