"Things Are Getting Better Each Day in a Small Way"

Title: Embracing Progress: The Power of "Things Are Getting Better"

Morning Reflection:

Good Morning Beloved,

Today, I want to share a powerful yet gentle approach to affirmations that can help ease the resistance you might feel when affirming for significant changes in your life, such as wealth, health, or any other area. Often, when we affirm bold statements like "I am wealthy" or "I am perfectly healthy," our internal dialogue kicks in, bringing up past experiences and current realities that seem to contradict our affirmations. This can create a feeling of dissonance and even doubt, making it harder for us to fully embrace and believe in the affirmations we are declaring.

One way to soften this resistance and make our affirmations more believable is by incorporating the phrase "things are getting better." This phrase acknowledges the progress and allows our subconscious mind to accept gradual improvement. It creates a bridge between where we are and where we want to be, making the journey feel more attainable and less overwhelming.

For example, instead of saying "I am wealthy," you might say, "My financial situation is improving, and things are getting better every day." Instead of "I am perfectly healthy," you could affirm, "My health is improving, and I feel better and better each day." These statements still carry the essence of your desires but in a way that feels more realistic and achievable.

As we begin this day, let's embrace the idea that progress is powerful. Every small step forward is a victory, and by acknowledging these steps, we build momentum towards our larger goals. Remember, transformation often happens gradually, and each moment of improvement is a testament to the unfolding of Divine order in our lives.

Supporting Scripture:

Philippians 1:6 (NIV): "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

This scripture reminds us that the Divine work within us is ongoing and that progress is part of the divine plan. It reassures us that as we continue to move forward, the good work that has begun will be brought to completion.


"I am grateful for the progress I am making, and things are getting better every day."

Affirmative Prayer:

In this sacred moment, I recognize the infinite presence of the Divine Mind, the Source of all creation, which is perfect, whole, and complete. I know that this Divine Presence resides within me, expressing through me as perfect health, abundant wealth, and infinite wisdom.

I affirm that as I open my heart and mind to the truth of my being, I align myself with the Divine flow of life. I release any resistance or doubt that may arise from past experiences or present circumstances, knowing that these are but temporary illusions. Instead, I embrace the truth that "things are getting better."

I acknowledge the small victories and the subtle shifts that signify progress in my life. I celebrate each step forward, no matter how small, knowing that each one brings me closer to the full manifestation of my desires. I trust that the Divine work within me is unfolding perfectly, guiding me towards greater expressions of health, wealth, and well-being.

As I affirm that my financial situation is improving and my health is getting better each day, I feel a deep sense of gratitude and peace. I am confident in the process, knowing that the Divine plan for my life is one of continuous growth and expansion. I surrender to this process with faith and trust, allowing the Divine Mind to work through me in miraculous ways.

I am filled with joy and optimism as I witness the unfolding of my highest good. I am grateful for the progress I have made and for the progress that is yet to come. I declare that things are getting better, and I am open to receiving all the blessings that the Universe has in store for me.

And so it is.

Prayer Request Affirming Intercession

For those dealing with long-term health issues and desiring a miracle:

I know that the Divine Healing Presence is at work within each person, bringing about perfect health and wholeness. I affirm that the power of the Divine is greater than any condition, and miracles are a natural expression of this infinite power.

I hold each individual in the light of perfect health, seeing their bodies and minds restored to their natural state of balance and vitality. I declare that their health is improving every day, and they are experiencing the miraculous healing that comes from aligning with the Divine Mind.

I give thanks for the healing that is already taking place, knowing that things are getting better for each person. I trust in the power of the Divine to bring about perfect healing, and I release this prayer with faith and gratitude.

And so it is.

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