Expectancy: The Secret Power Behind Our Words

The Power of Expectant Words Morning Reflection:

Good morning, beautiful souls.

Today, we are exploring the hidden creative power behind the words we speak, a power driven by our expectancy. Our words are not merely sounds or symbols; they are potent expressions of our inner beliefs and expectations. When we speak, we do so with an underlying expectation, consciously or unconsciously, of what will manifest.

Consider the phrase "speak it into existence." This is not just a catchy saying; it holds profound truth. Our words are infused with the energy of our beliefs and expectations. When we expect positive outcomes, our words carry the power to bring those outcomes into reality. Conversely, when our expectations are rooted in fear or doubt, our words can create obstacles and limitations.

Reflect on moments when you spoke with genuine expectancy and saw your words come to life. Perhaps you declared a goal with unwavering confidence and watched it unfold. This is the creative power at work, a divine force responding to the expectancy embedded in your words.

Our words shape our reality, not just because of their literal meanings, but because they are vehicles of our deepest beliefs and intentions. This creative power aligns with the Divine Mind, which always supports our highest good. By consciously aligning our words with positive expectancy, we tap into this divine creative force and manifest our desires.

Today, let’s be mindful of the words we speak and the expectancy we hold. Speak words of love, joy, health, and abundance, and expect these qualities to manifest in your life. Trust in the divine creative power within you, knowing that your words are powerful tools for creating your reality.

Supporting Scripture:

Proverbs 18:21 (NIV) - "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit."

This scripture emphasizes the immense power of our words. It serves as a reminder that what we speak can bring life or destruction. By speaking with positive expectancy, we can harness this power to create a life filled with blessings and abundance.


My words are powerful and create a reality of love, joy, and abundance.

Affirmative Prayer:

In this sacred moment, I recognize the omnipotent presence of the Divine Mind within me. I am one with the infinite creative power of the Universe, and I affirm that my words are vehicles of divine expectancy and manifestation.

I speak with the full awareness of the power my words hold. Each word I utter is imbued with positive expectancy, aligning with the highest good and divine will. I declare love, joy, health, and abundance into my life, knowing that as I speak, the Universe responds with unwavering support.

I release any thoughts of doubt or fear, embracing the truth that I am a co-creator with the Divine. My words are seeds planted in the fertile soil of the Universe, and I expect them to bear the fruits of my deepest desires. I trust in the divine process, understanding that my words, when spoken with faith and expectancy, have the power to transform my reality.

I affirm that my words uplift and inspire those around me. I am a beacon of positive energy, speaking life into every situation. I know that the creative power of the Divine Mind flows through me, manifesting in miraculous ways.

As I move through this day, I do so with the conscious intention to speak words of truth, love, and expectancy. I am grateful for the divine creative power within me, guiding my words and actions. I trust that all is unfolding perfectly, and I am blessed beyond measure.

And so it is. Amen.

Prayer Request Affirming Response:

I hold in my heart a lady dealing with stage 4 cancer, desiring to be healed and made whole. I affirm that the divine healing power flows through every cell of her body, restoring her to perfect health. She is surrounded by the love and light of the Divine, bringing peace and strength to her spirit. Her body responds to this divine healing energy, and she experiences miraculous recovery and wholeness. And so it is. Amen.

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