Morning Reflection

Good Morning,

Today, let's explore the difference between wanting and desiring, and how this distinction shapes our experience of life. In our daily conversations, we often use the words "want" and "desire" interchangeably, yet they carry significantly different energies and implications.

Wanting typically signifies a sense of lack. When we say we want something, we acknowledge its absence in our lives. This feeling of deficiency can lead to frustration, envy, and a perpetual state of unfulfillment. Wanting focuses on what we do not have, creating a mindset of scarcity and limitation.

On the other hand, desire is rooted in the acknowledgment of possibilities and abundance. Desiring something stems from a place of recognition that it is attainable and within our reach. Desires are born from our true essence, reflecting our deepest passions and the divine potentials within us. When we desire, we tap into the creative power of the Creator, aligning ourselves with the infinite possibilities that the universe offers.

Scripture enlightens us on this distinction. Psalm 37:4 (NIV) states, "Take delight in the Lord(Law), and he(IT) will give you the desires of your heart." This verse invites us to delight in our Creative Ability, to align ourselves with Source, and in doing so, our deepest desires are fulfilled. It is not about wanting from a place of lack, but about aligning our desires with divine purpose and abundance.

As we move through our day, let us shift our focus from wanting to desiring. Let's recognize that our desires are reflections of the divine potential within us. By doing so, we move from a state of lack to one of fulfillment and abundance. We start to see life not as a series of unmet wants, but as a journey of fulfilled desires, guided by the divine wisdom and love that resides within us.

Supporting Scripture

Psalm 37:4 (NIV): "Take delight in the Lord (Law), and he (IT) will give you the desires of your heart."

This scripture encourages us to find joy and alignment in the Divine, and through this connection, our true desires will be fulfilled. It reminds us that desires are sacred and aligned with our divine purpose, leading us to a life of abundance and fulfillment.


"I align my desires with the Divine Mind, embracing abundance and fulfillment in every aspect of my life."

Science of Mind Affirmative Prayer

In this moment of sacred reflection, I recognize the presence of the Divine Mind within and all around me. I acknowledge that I am a unique expression of this infinite intelligence, connected to the boundless source of love, wisdom, and abundance.

I release any feelings of lack or limitation that may have lingered in my consciousness. I understand that wanting signifies a sense of deficiency, and I choose to transform these wants into divine desires. I embrace my desires as sacred expressions of the divine potential within me, reflecting the infinite possibilities that life offers.

As I align myself with the Divine Mind, I trust that my desires are guided by a higher wisdom. I know that every true desire is a call from the Source, urging me towards greater fulfillment and joy. I open my heart and mind to receive these desires with gratitude and certainty, knowing that they are already being fulfilled in the divine realm.

I affirm that my life is a journey of abundance, where every step is guided by divine love and intelligence. I move forward with confidence, embracing each moment as an opportunity to experience the fulfillment of my desires. I am grateful for the divine guidance that leads me to my highest good, and I trust that my path is always illuminated by the light of the Divine Mind.

In this state of divine alignment, I release all worries and doubts. I trust in the perfect unfolding of my desires, knowing that they are already manifesting in beautiful and unexpected ways. I celebrate the abundance and fulfillment that flow into my life, and I rest in the assurance that I am always supported and guided by the infinite wisdom of the Source.

And so it is. Amen.

Intercessory Affirmation

For an individual who has left traditional religion and is now feeling lost:

I affirm that this individual is enveloped in the infinite love and wisdom of the Divine Mind. As they journey beyond the boundaries of traditional religion, I declare that they are guided by a deep inner knowing and divine presence that leads them to a place of profound clarity and peace.

I see them embracing their spiritual path with confidence, knowing that they are always connected to the Source of all life. Any feelings of loss or confusion are gently dissolved by the light of divine understanding, revealing a path of purpose and fulfillment.

I affirm that their journey is blessed with divine insights, compassionate support, and a growing sense of connection to the Divine Mind within. They are surrounded by love, guided by wisdom, and empowered by the infinite potential that resides in their soul.

And so it is. Amen.

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