Identifying "the B.S. that Affects your Money Flow"

Identifying "the B.S. that Affects Your Money Flow"

We've all heard the saying, "the love of money is the root of all evil." This belief system, or B.S., has deeply influenced our thoughts and behaviors around money, often leading us to view financial prosperity with suspicion or guilt. However, this interpretation misses the mark. It's not money itself that is evil, but rather the unhealthy obsession with it. By holding onto this limiting belief, we inadvertently block ourselves from the resonance and vibrational frequency that results in true abundance.  Oh, "Money does grow on trees"... The owner of a apple orchard has an entirely different B.S.! 

Understanding the Real Meaning

First, let's clarify what is meant by "the love of money is the root of all evil." This phrase, taken from the Bible (1 Timothy 6:10), is often misunderstood. It doesn’t mean that money itself is bad. Instead, it warns against making money the most important thing in life. When people lack money they often become driven by or obsessed with money.  Bad choices are made that worsen the situation and hurt others. However, when we see money as a tool that can help us live better lives and help others, it becomes something positive.

Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance Include Money

A large number of people think that being wealthy means you have to be greedy or selfish, but that’s not true. Wealth, prosperity, and abundance include having enough money to meet your needs and help others. Money is just one part of being prosperous. True prosperity includes good health, strong relationships, and personal growth.

Think about it like this: If you have a beautiful garden, money is like the water that helps the plants grow. Without water, the garden will wither and die. But with enough water, the garden can flourish, and you can share its beauty and produce with others. In the same way, having enough money allows you to live a fulfilling life and help those around you.

Money as a Positive Force

Money can be a positive force in our lives if we use it wisely. It allows us to buy the things we need, like food, clothing, and shelter. It also gives us the freedom to pursue our passions and dreams. When we have enough money, we can invest in our education, start businesses, travel, and support causes we care about.

Moreover, money can help us take care of our loved ones and give back to our communities. For example, you can donate to charities, help a friend in need, or invest in projects that make you community a better place. When we see money as a tool for good, we can use it to create positive change.

Signs Your B.S. Supports the Idea that Money is Evil

It's important to recognize if your belief system is holding you back. Here are some signs that your B.S. might support the idea that money is evil:

  1. Guilt About Wanting Money: If you feel guilty for wanting more money or for having money, this could be a sign that you see money as inherently bad.
  2. Negative Judgments About Wealthy People: If you find yourself thinking that wealthy people must be greedy, dishonest, or selfish, it could indicate a belief that money corrupts.
  3. Fear of Becoming Wealthy: If you fear that having more money will change you for the worse or make you a bad person, it shows a negative association with money.
  4. Avoiding Financial Discussions: If you avoid talking about money or making financial plans because it makes you uncomfortable, you might subconsciously believe that money is dirty or taboo.
  5. Self-Sabotaging Financial Success: If you find yourself making decisions that prevent you from achieving financial success, such as overspending or avoiding opportunities to earn more, it could be because you think money is bad.

Money Can Be Accessed Without Toil and Labor

Another limiting belief is that money can only be earned through hard toil and labor. While hard work can pay off, it's not the only way to achieve financial prosperity. Many people think that the only way to make money is to work long hours at a job they don’t like.  They believe they must trade time for money.   This is another form of B.S. – Belief System – that can hold us back.

In reality, there are many ways to earn money that don’t involve hard labor. For example, you can invest in stocks, start a business, or create something valuable that people desire. The key is to use your skills, talents, and creativity to find opportunities that align with your passions and interests and meet the greatest good of self and others.

The Power of a Positive Mindset

Your mindset plays a big role in how you view and attract money. If you believe that making money is hard and that you’ll never have enough, you’re likely to struggle financially. But if you believe that money is abundant and that you deserve to be prosperous, you’ll start to see more opportunities for wealth.

Positive thinking isn’t just about hoping for the best. It’s about taking action and making smart decisions. For example, instead of focusing on what you lack, focus on what you can do to improve your financial situation. This might mean learning new skills, seeking advice from a financial advisor, or finding ways to save and invest your money.  Most importantly spend time tapping into your innate guidance system and avoid leaning solely into reason, past experiences or the world’s system best practices.

Practical Steps to Attract Abundance

  1. Set Clear Goals: Know what you want to achieve financially. Write down your goals and make a plan to reach them.
  2. Educate Yourself: Learn about money management, investing, and other financial topics. The more you know, the better decisions you can make.
  3. Stay Positive: Keep a positive attitude and believe in your ability to attract wealth. Surround yourself with supportive people who encourage your success.
  4. Use Your Imagination: Visualize what money can do for you, not just the money itself. Imagine the freedom it brings, the opportunities it opens, and the joy of helping others. Visualization helps you create a positive relationship with money and attracts it into your life.
  5. Take Action: Don’t just sit around waiting for money to come to you. Take steps to improve your financial situation, whether it’s starting a side business, cutting expenses, or investing wisely.
  6. Give Back: Share your wealth with others. Helping others not only feels good, but it can also create more opportunities for prosperity.

Real-Life Examples

Let’s look at some real-life examples of people who have broken free from limiting beliefs about money:

  • J.K. Rowling: The author of the Harry Potter series was once a single mother living on welfare. She didn’t let her financial situation stop her from pursuing her dream of writing. Today, she’s one of the wealthiest authors in the world.
  • Oprah Winfrey: Oprah grew up in poverty, but she didn’t let that define her. Through hard work, determination, and a positive mindset, she built a media empire and became one of the most influential people in the world.
  • Steve Jobs: The co-founder of Apple started his company in a garage. He believed in his vision and didn’t let a lack of resources stop him. Today, Apple is one of the most successful companies in the world.

These examples show that it’s possible to overcome limiting beliefs and achieve financial success. By changing your mindset and taking action, you can create a life of abundance and prosperity.

Call to Action

It's time to break free from these limiting belief systems that hinder our financial well-being. Join us in the upcoming Summer Session Master Course entitled: Breaking Free From Limiting Beliefs. This course will guide you through the process of identifying and transforming the B.S. that affects your money, helping you to embrace a life of true abundance and prosperity. Don’t let outdated beliefs hold you back. Step into a new understanding of wealth and join us on this transformative journey.

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