Embracing Your Wish Fufilled

Title: Embracing Your Wish Fulfilled

Morning Reflection:

Good morning, divine souls. Today, let us explore the concept of  "Wishes Fulfilled." Imagine for a moment that every desire of your heart is already realized. How would you feel? What would you do differently? The notion of living as though our deepest wishes are already fulfilled is life changing and aligns us with a higher frequency of existence.

Living with the end in mind is not just a mindset; it's a spiritual practice. It involves the unwavering belief that what you desire is already yours. This belief shapes your thoughts, emotions, and actions, propelling you towards the reality you seek. When you visualize your wish as already accomplished, you begin to align with the energy of that reality, attracting it into your life.

Consider the story of a farmer who sows seeds with faith, knowing that the harvest will come. He doesn't see the fruits immediately, but he trusts the process, nurtures the seeds, and waits patiently. Similarly, when you plant the seeds of your desires with faith and act as though the fulfillment is inevitable, you set powerful forces into motion.

Your wish fulfilled means stepping into a state of gratitude and abundance now, not waiting for the physical manifestation to validate your belief. Gratitude amplifies your vibration and opens the channels for your desires to flow into your experience. Each moment spent in gratitude is a moment spent in alignment with the life you envision. You revisit the thought in your imagination, seeing the bumper crop being harvested and taken to market.

As you go about your day, Identify a wish and carry the consciousness of this wish fulfilled. Let this awareness shape your interactions, decisions, and overall outlook. Trust that Source is orchestrating everything perfectly, and your role is to remain steadfast in your vision and gratitude.

Supporting Scripture:

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." — Mark 11:24

This scripture reminds us of the power of belief in prayer. When we pray with the conviction that our wishes are already granted, we align ourselves with the divine flow, allowing our desires to manifest.


I live in the joyful expectation of my desires fulfilled.

Science of Mind Affirmative Prayer:

I recognize the infinite power and presence of the Source within me. As I attune to this boundless source, I affirm that every wish of my heart is already realized in the spiritual realm. I embody the feeling of my desires fulfilled, knowing that my thoughts and emotions shape my reality.

I release any doubt or fear, replacing them with unwavering faith and gratitude. Each step I take is guided by divine wisdom, leading me towards the full manifestation of my dreams. I am grateful for the abundance that flows into my life, and I trust the perfect timing of the universe. In this moment, I celebrate the fulfillment of my wishes and live in the joy of their realization. And so it is.

Prayer Request:

For those experiencing homelessness and food insecurity, I affirm divine provision and support. I see them surrounded by the love and abundance of the universe, finding safe shelter and nourishment. I affirm that their needs are met with grace and ease, and they are guided to resources and opportunities that uplift and sustain them. Peace and stability flow into their lives now, and I hold them in the light of compassion and hope. And so it is.

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