Consulting The Divine Architect: In All Your Ways Acknowledge IT.

Morning Reflection

Good Day Diviner 

As we begin this day, let us reflect on the importance of seeking guidance from the ultimate source of wisdom and knowledge—the Universal Intelligence, the Source. Often in our journey through life, we find ourselves drifting from one idea to another, hoping to stumble upon the right path. This aimless wandering can lead to frustration and confusion, leaving us feeling lost , tired and without direction.

Imagine purchasing a complex piece of machinery without consulting the manufacturer's manual. We might fumble through the setup, miss critical steps, and ultimately fail to utilize the machine to its fullest potential. Similarly, when we navigate life without seeking guidance from our Creator, we miss out on the profound wisdom and clarity that could simplify our journey.

Scripture reminds us, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11). This powerful verse emphasizes that the Source has a detailed blueprint for our lives, designed to lead us toward prosperity and fulfillment. When we align our actions with this divine plan, we open ourselves to a path illuminated by clarity and purpose.

So, why do we hesitate to seek this guidance? Perhaps it's a matter of pride, thinking we can figure it all out on our own. Or maybe it's a lack of awareness that such divine direction is available to us. Whatever the reason, today's reflection invites us to turn inward and connect with the Divine Mind. By doing so, we align ourselves with the greater plan and find solutions to our dilemmas that are both profound and transformative.

Let us take a moment today to quiet our minds, open our hearts, and seek the wisdom that Source offers. As we do, we will find that our steps are guided, our path is clear, and our lives are filled with a sense of purpose and direction that we may have never experienced before.

Supporting Scripture

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV): "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

This scripture reassures us that the Source has a benevolent and prosperous plan for each of us. When we seek this divine guidance, we align ourselves with a future filled with hope and possibilities. It encourages us to trust in the divine blueprint laid out for our lives.


"I am guided by the Divine Mind, aligning my steps with the higher plan designed for my prosperity and fulfillment."

Science of Mind Affirmative Prayer

In this sacred moment, I recognize and affirm the presence of the Divine Mind within and around me. I acknowledge that I am a divine creation, connected to the Source that holds the blueprint for my life. As I turn inward and seek guidance, I trust that the path before me is illuminated with clarity, purpose, and divine wisdom.

I release any doubts or fears that may hinder my connection to this higher guidance. Instead, I embrace the truth that I am always supported and guided by a loving and wise Source. I open my heart and mind to receive the divine insights that lead me toward my highest good.

Today, I choose to walk in alignment with the divine plan, knowing that each step I take is directed by the infinite wisdom of the Source. I am grateful for the clarity, direction, and fulfillment that flow into my life as I consult with the Divine Architect.

And so it is. Amen.

Intercessory Mind Affirmation

For young adults struggling with identity issues and those who have experienced various forms of sexual trauma:

I affirm that each young adult is a cherished expression of the Divine Mind, inherently whole and complete. I declare that any experiences of trauma are transmuted into powerful sources of strength, healing, and wisdom. Each individual is embraced by the infinite love and light of the Source, which guides them to a place of profound self-acceptance and understanding.

I see these young adults stepping into their true identities with confidence, knowing they are supported by a divine presence that nurtures and protects them. Their journey of healing is blessed with compassionate support and divine guidance, leading them to a life filled with joy, purpose, and inner peace.

And so it is. Amen.

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