Shifting Your State of Mind to Transform Your Reality

Reflection: Shifting Your State of Mind to Transform Your Reality

Morning Reflection:

Good morning, Divine Minds. Today, let's delve into the transformative power of our consciousness. There is one Supreme Mind, the Source of all creation, which manifests itself through many variations based on our state of consciousness. This profound truth means that by changing our state of consciousness, we change our experiences and reality. Our state of consciousness is reflected in the frequency we emit, which is influenced by the thoughts we frequently think. 

Imagine your mind as a radio tuner, capable of tuning into different frequencies. Each frequency represents a state of consciousness, and each state of consciousness brings forth a unique reality. When we desire a change in our lives, it's essential to shift our internal state to align with that desired outcome. This is where the power of assumption comes into play. By assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled, we begin to resonate with the reality we seek.

Our experiences are reflections of our internal states. If we constantly dwell on lack, fear, and limitation, our outer world will mirror these conditions. Conversely, when we cultivate thoughts of health, wholeness, abundance, love, and possibility, our external reality will transform accordingly. It's a process of embodying the consciousness of our desires and living as if they are already fulfilled.

Take a moment sometime today and  reflect on an area of your life where you seek change. How can you shift your thoughts and feelings to align with the outcome you desire? Practice embodying this new state of consciousness daily, and watch as your reality begins to shift. Remember the frequently-frequency relationship!

Supporting Scripture:

Romans 12:2 (NIV): "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

This scripture reminds us that transformation begins within. By renewing our minds and shifting our consciousness, we align ourselves with the Divine Mind, allowing us to experience the good and perfect will of Source in our lives.


I align my consciousness with the reality I desire, and my world transforms accordingly.

Science of Mind Affirmative Prayer:

In this sacred moment, I recognize and celebrate the presence of the One Supreme Mind, the Source of all that is. This Divine Mind is my mind, and I am deeply connected to its infinite wisdom and power. I know that by aligning my consciousness with the qualities of the Divine—love, abundance, peace, and joy—I am capable of transforming my reality.

I now choose to shift my state of mind, embodying the consciousness of my desires. I assume the feeling of my wishes fulfilled, knowing that this inner alignment brings forth the corresponding outer manifestation. My thoughts, words, and actions reflect this new state of being, and I witness positive changes in my life with ease and grace.

I am grateful for the power of my mind and the ability to co-create with the Divine. I trust in the perfect unfolding of my highest good, knowing that all is well. And so it is.

Intercessory Prayer: (For Man Dealing with Intestinal Issues)

I speak my word for all individuals struggling with addictions and resisting support. I know that the Divine Mind within them is their true essence, always guiding and supporting their highest good. I affirm that they are surrounded by loving, healing energy that gently urges them towards seeking the help they need.

I see them embracing their inherent worth and strength, finding the courage to attend support meetings and seek the assistance that will lead to their recovery. I declare that they are free from the grip of addiction, stepping into a life of health, wholeness, and peace. I hold this vision for them with unwavering faith, knowing that the Divine is working in and through them now.  I affirm that the causation of this expression is revealed and corresponding actions are taking to maintain this healing. And so it is.

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