"Unleashing Divine Power Within Us"

Morning Reflection:

Good Morning, Beloved!

Today, let’s delve into the profound truth encapsulated in the phrase: “according to His power that is at work within us.” This morning, we are reminded of the immense potential and divine energy that reside within each of us. This power is not something distant or inaccessible; it is intimately woven into the very fabric of our being.

When we acknowledge and embrace this divine power, we open ourselves to a life of limitless possibilities. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the challenges and demands of daily life, but remember that within you lies an extraordinary source of strength, wisdom, and creativity. This power is the essence of the Divine Mind, working through us to bring forth our highest good.

Consider the transformative effect of aligning your thoughts, actions, and intentions with this divine power. When we do so, we become co-creators with the Source, capable of manifesting our deepest desires and highest aspirations. Our fears and doubts begin to dissipate, replaced by a profound sense of peace and confidence.

As you move through your day, take a moment to connect with this inner power. Feel its presence in every breath you take, in every beat of your heart. Let it guide you, inspire you, and empower you. Trust that this divine energy is always at work within you, ready to support and uplift you in every situation.

Supporting Scripture:

Ephesians 3:20 (NIV): "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us."

This scripture beautifully encapsulates the boundless potential of the divine power within us. It reassures us that we are not limited by our own capabilities but are instead empowered by a higher force that can achieve far beyond our imagination. By aligning with this power, we tap into a wellspring of possibilities, allowing us to overcome obstacles and achieve greatness.


I am empowered by the divine force within me, achieving more than I ever imagined possible.

Science of Mind Affirmative Prayer:

I recognize and affirm the divine power that flows through me, connecting me to the infinite wisdom and strength of the Source. I know that this power is always at work within me, guiding my thoughts, actions, and intentions. I embrace this divine energy, allowing it to manifest through me in every aspect of my life. As I align with this power, I experience boundless possibilities and achieve greatness beyond my imagination. I am a vessel of divine creativity, love, and strength. And so it is.

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