Are you Guilty of Pushing Your BS onto Others?

Are You Guilty of Pushing Your BS onto Others? Understanding Your B.S. (Belief System)

Our Belief System, or B.S., functions as a potent paradigm, molding our perceptions, behaviors, and interactions with the world. These beliefs are deeply ingrained in our subconscious[that part of your brain that runs the program, steering our thoughts and actions often without our conscious awareness. This subconscious programming begins in early childhood, shaped by our experiences, culture, family, and education.

Given the depth of this embedding, we often accept our B.S. as the unequivocal truth. We navigate life under the assumption that our beliefs are universally valid, and we frequently expect others to share the same perspectives. This presumption can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts, particularly when we encounter differing belief systems.

To gain a clearer understanding of our B.S., it is crucial to engage in introspection and scrutinize our deeply held beliefs. Are these beliefs serving our highest good? Are they aligned with our authentic values and purpose? By examining and, if necessary, reprogramming our subconscious mind, we can break free from limiting beliefs and embrace a more expansive, inclusive worldview.

In essence, recognizing and understanding our B.S. enables us to live more consciously and harmoniously, both with ourselves and others. It opens the door to personal growth and the possibility of more meaningful connections with those around us.

The Origin of Your Belief System

From the moment of conception, we begin absorbing information from our surroundings, starting within our mothers womb. Our family, culture, education, and personal experiences all contribute to the formation of our belief system. This programming is not a one-time event but a continuous process that shapes our worldview over time. By the time we reach adulthood, our B.S. is deeply embedded, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

The Power of Subconscious Programming

Our subconscious mind (the brain function that houses the program) is a powerful entity, operating beneath the surface of our conscious awareness. It is the repository of our deeply held beliefs, driving our actions and reactions. Because our B.S. is housed in what is commonly referred to as the subconscious, we often accept it as the ultimate truth, rarely questioning its validity or origins. This unquestioning acceptance can lead to a rigid mindset, resistant to new ideas and perspectives.

The Impact of Assumptions

When we assume that our beliefs are universally valid, we set ourselves up for conflict and misunderstanding. Different individuals come from diverse backgrounds, each with their own unique B.S. When these differing belief systems collide, it can lead to friction and discord. By recognizing that our beliefs are not the only truth, we can open ourselves to greater understanding and empathy.

The Path to Self-Reflection

Engaging in self-reflection is a vital step in understanding and reprogramming our B.S. This process involves questioning our deeply held beliefs and examining their origins and impact. Are these beliefs serving our highest good? Are they in alignment with our true values and purpose? Through introspection, we can identify limiting beliefs and work to replace them with more empowering ones.

Embracing a Broader Worldview

By reprogramming our subconscious mind and challenging our B.S., we can embrace a more expansive and inclusive worldview. This shift allows us to live more consciously, fostering personal growth and deeper connections with others. It enables us to navigate life with greater harmony, both within ourselves and in our interactions with others.  The scripture admonishes us to renew our mind (to align our belief system to it’s manufacturers setting as “Divine Mind” vs the “Carnal Mind” ) see Roman 12:1-3 and  Roman’s 8:7


Understanding and reprogramming our B.S. is a journey of self-discovery and growth. It requires introspection, open-mindedness, and a willingness to challenge deeply held beliefs. By doing so, we can break free from limiting patterns and embrace a more fulfilling and harmonious way of living. This process not only enhances our personal well-being but also fosters more meaningful connections with those around us. In recognizing and understanding our B.S., we unlock the potential for greater empathy, understanding, and personal growth.   

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