There Is Only One Mind. Pt.1

The Danger of Accepting the Duality of Mind: Conscious and Subconscious

Understanding the intricacies of the mind has always been a quest for many well-intended individuals. However, when it comes to the Divine Mind or Source, defining it through the lens of human faculties often leads to misinterpretations. One such example is the division of the mind into the subconscious and conscious. While this concept has its place in psychology, it poses significant risks when applied to understanding the things of God or Spirit, as warned in Romans 8:7.

One Mind, Not Two

A Double-Minded Man is Unstable

In the book of James, it is stated, "A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways" (James 1:8). This scripture highlights the inherent instability that comes with accepting a divided view of the mind. The Divine Alignment Philosophy posits that there is truly only one mind, unified and whole, intended to align with the Divine Mind or Source. Splitting the mind into conscious and subconscious creates an artificial barrier that hinders our spiritual growth and understanding. This division is a direct result of living from the natural/sensory state of being, as spoken of in Genesis 3.

The Illusion of Duality

The concept of duality in the mind is an illusion that distracts us from realizing our true potential and connection to the Divine. By focusing on a unified mind, we can better align ourselves with the Divine Mind, achieving greater clarity and spiritual insight.

The Carnal Nature of the Conscious Mind

The Conscious Mind is Carnal by Nature

Romans 8:7-8 warns, "Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God." The conscious mind, rooted in sensory perception and rationality, is inherently carnal. It operates within the limitations of the physical world, making it resistant to the spiritual truths of the Divine Mind.

Limitation of the Conscious Mind

When we rely solely on the conscious mind (our mental faculty) to understand spiritual matters or align with the Creator, we fall short. The conscious mind, bound by logic and empirical evidence, lacks the capacity to grasp the infinite nature of the Divine and come into complete resonance with IT. This limitation prevents us from experiencing the fullness of our spiritual potential and understanding as Divine Beings.

Expressing the Divine Mind

Let This Mind Be in You

Philippians 2:5 encourages us, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." This scripture calls us to adopt the mindset of Christ, a perfect example of living in alignment with the Divine Mind. The mind of Christ transcends the duality of conscious and subconscious, embodying a holistic understanding and connection with the Divine.

Achieving Divine Alignment

To express the Divine Mind, we must reprogram our conscious mind to align with our spirit. This involves practices such as meditation and introspection, which help us tap into our inner wisdom and intuition. By doing so, we bridge the gap between the carnal mind and the Divine Mind, fostering holistic healing, personal mastery, and spiritual growth.

Practical Examples

Meditation and Mindfulness

Engaging in regular meditation helps quiet the conscious mind and allows us to access deeper, spiritual insights. Through mindfulness practices, we learn to observe our thoughts without judgment, creating space for the Divine Mind to influence our perceptions and decisions.

Silence and Contemplation

Silence is a powerful tool for aligning with the Divine Mind. By focusing our intentions and seeking guidance from the Source, we open ourselves to divine wisdom and understanding that surpasses the limitations of the conscious mind. We “shut the door” on things external.

Intuition and Inner Guidance

Trusting our intuition is key to expressing the Divine Mind. Intuitive insights often arise from our spirit, bypassing the rational filters of the conscious mind. By paying attention to these inner promptings, we can make decisions that are more aligned with our higher purpose and spiritual path. The intuition is the fruit of the heart, and the intellect is the byproduct of the head (reason and rationale).


Accepting the duality of the mind as conscious and subconscious limits our ability to understand and align with the Divine Mind. By recognizing the inherent unity of our mind and reprogramming our conscious thoughts to align with our spirit, we can achieve a deeper connection with the Source. Embracing practices that foster this alignment enables us to unlock the spiritual truths and wisdom that transcend the limitations of our carnal nature, leading to a more fulfilled and spiritually enriched life. We are called to transformation by Renewing the Mind.

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