STL Serendipity Sundays Seminars

liberation Theology

You Are Invited!

Join us each week for STL Serendipity Sunday Seminars: a transformative experience

You are personally invited you to this week’s STL Serendipity Sunday Seminar entitled "Sovereign Liberation: New Thought as a Path to Spiritual Freedom for African Americans"

"There is no Liberation of the Soul without a supporting Spiritual Theology!"  -Gregory "Ausar" Stanton

Why Attend?

This seminar isn’t just another talk—it’s a spiritual revolution designed to unlock the power within you. "Sovereign Liberation: New Thought as a Path to Spiritual Freedom for African Americans" is an invitation to break free from limiting beliefs and reclaim your divine right to personal sovereignty. Rooted in the powerful teachings of New Thought, this seminar will show you how to transform your thinking, heal generational wounds, and manifest a life of abundance, freedom, and joy. If you’ve ever felt bound by societal expectations, systemic oppression, or even your own mental barriers, this seminar will empower you to break those chains and embrace your fullest potential.

Benefits of Attending:

  • Reclaim Your Sovereignty: Learn how to align with your divine identity and step into your personal power by transforming limiting beliefs and old patterns.
  • Heal and Liberate the Mind: Explore how New Thought principles can help release generational trauma, systemic oppression, and internalized limitations that have held you back.
  • Manifest Abundance and Freedom: Discover practical tools to activate your creative power and start manifesting a life of spiritual, emotional, and material success.
  • Culturally Resonant Teachings: Grounded in African ancestral wisdom and metaphysical teachings, this seminar provides an empowering spiritual framework for the African American experience.

Join us this Sunday and discover how New Thought is a viable theology for total liberation of the African Mind!


  Date: Sunday, September 22, 2024
  Time: Doors open and the experience starts at 12:30. Seminar commences at 1 p.m.
  Location: Phyllis Wheatley Heritage Center, 2711 Locust St., St. Louis, MO. 63103

We look forward to seeing you there and exploring the amazing possibilities that await you.

The Mission:

The St. Louis New Thought Center is dedicated to empowering individuals to master their lives through the alignment of the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical aspects of self. Our mission is to provide a supportive community where members can explore new thought principles, positive psychology, and spiritual teachings to create a life of fulfillment and excellence. We believe in the inherent potential within every person to achieve greatness through divine alignment and conscious living.

About Gregory "Ausar" Stanton

We are honored to have Gregory "Ausar" Stanton, a renowned Transformational Thought Leader, as our guiding light. Ausar is a seasoned Life Strategist, pastor, and Master Force Coach, recognized as the 2023 Coach of the Year. With his profound insights and the creation of the Divine Alignment Philosophy, Ausar has been instrumental in helping countless individuals break free from limiting belief systems and realize their highest potential. His teachings emphasize holistic integration and the importance of aligning with the Divine Mind to achieve true balance and spiritual growth.
